
Major Astrological Events

Stay in the cosmic loop with all the latest astrology happenings, from planetary transits to celestial alignments. Ever wondered why things feel off or suddenly on point? It might be the planets stirring things up! Dive into how these shifts are secretly (or not so secretly) shaping your personal growth, sparking your relationships, and opening doors to wild opportunities.

Whether you're riding the wave of a lucky Venus transit or bracing for the intensity of a Mars square, knowing what’s up in the cosmos can give you the upper hand in navigating life's rollercoaster. So, why just watch the stars when you can work with them to shape your own destiny?

October 22, 2024
Sun Enters Scorpio

As the Sun makes its grand entrance into Scorpio today at 6:15 PM EDT, we're stepping into a deeply transformative period that promises intensity and profound change. The Sun's transit through...

Sun enters Scorpio
October 17, 2024
Full Moon in Aries

When the Moon shines its fullest in Aries, get ready for a surge of energy that can be both invigorating and intense. The Full Moon is happening today at 7:26 AM EDT, and it's not just any full...

Full Moon Aries
October 13, 2024
Mercury Enters Scorpio

Today at 3:24 PM EDT, Mercury embarks on a transformative journey through Scorpio. This transit invites us to dive deep into the mysterious and often misunderstood realms of communication and...

Mercury enters Scorpio
October 6, 2024
Mercury is Square Mars

Today at 2:36 AM EDT, the sky offers us a dramatic configuration with Mercury squaring Mars. This powerful alignment brings forth an intriguing mix of energies that can significantly influence our...

Mercury Square Mars
October 4, 2024
Venus is Trine Saturn

The cosmic ballet today brings us the harmonious alignment of Venus trine Saturn at 1:03 PM EDT. This powerful influence promises a blend of beauty, love, and responsibility that could leave...

Venus Trine Saturn
October 2, 2024
New Moon in Libra

A new moon can signify fresh beginnings, and the one in Libra today at 2:49 PM EDT is sure to make waves. Renowned for its balancing act, Libra's influence encourages harmony and relationships to...

New Moon Libra
September 26, 2024
Mercury Enters Libra

Today at 4:09 AM EDT, Mercury enters the charming domain of Libra. This transit is like a breath of fresh air for our communication and relationships. When Mercury, the planet ruling intellect and...

Mercury enters Libra
September 22, 2024
Venus Enters Scorpio

Tonight at 10:37 PM EDT, Venus moves into Scorpio, casting an intense and transformative spell over our love lives and finances. When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money enters the...

Venus enters Scorpio
September 22, 2024
Sun Enters Libra

It's Libra season! At 8:43 AM EDT today, the Sun moves into the realm of Libra. This is a time when balance and harmony become the stars of the show. Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, brings a...

Sun enters Libra
September 17, 2024
Full Moon in Pisces

Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Moon reaches its fullest expression in the sign of Pisces. This is a time where our emotions and intuitions are heightened. Known for its dreamy and compassionate nature,...

Full Moon Pisces