

Wounded Healer

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, holds a unique place in astrology, symbolizing our deepest wounds, vulnerabilities, and the path to healing and transformation. Named after the centaur in Greek mythology known for his wisdom and healing abilities, Chiron represents our inner wounds and the journey towards self-acceptance and wholeness.

The position of Chiron in an individual's birth chart reveals insights into their emotional wounds, spiritual growth, and the areas where they are called to heal and transform.

Current Position of Chiron

Chiron is Currently in Aries
Position: 21°Chiron19'
Friday, March 14, 2025
3:19 PM EDT (UTC-04:00)
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Chiron entered Aries on February 18, 2019 at 5:10 AM EDT. It will move into Taurus on June 19, 2026 at 5:20 PM EDT.

Chiron in the Zodiac Signs

Chiron's placement in the zodiac signs provides valuable insights into an individual's emotional wounds, spiritual growth, and the areas where they are called to heal and transform. For example, Chiron in Aries might suggest wounds related to self-identity, independence, and assertiveness, with a need to heal issues of self-worth, courage, and self-acceptance. Conversely, Chiron in Libra might indicate wounds related to relationships, harmony, and cooperation, with a need to heal issues of balance, partnership, and diplomacy.

Chiron's influence extends beyond personal healing to encompass spiritual growth, transformation, and the journey towards self-acceptance and wholeness. It guides us towards embracing our vulnerabilities, healing our wounds, and integrating our shadow aspects.

Chiron in Signs

Healing and Transformation
Chiron plays a crucial role in matters of healing and transformation, influencing the wounds we carry, the vulnerabilities we face, and the path towards self-acceptance and wholeness. Understanding Chiron's influence on our emotional wounds and spiritual growth can help us navigate life's challenges, embrace our vulnerabilities, and achieve healing and transformation. By examining Chiron's position and aspects in the birth chart, astrologers can gain deeper insights into an individual's path to healing and transformation.

Chiron's aspects to other planets play a significant role in shaping an individual's emotional wounds and spiritual growth. Harmonious aspects like trines and sextiles can enhance healing abilities, spiritual growth, and transformational potential. Challenging aspects like squares and oppositions might indicate difficulties in embracing vulnerability, conflicts with healing processes, or challenges in achieving self-acceptance. By exploring Chiron's aspects, astrologers can gain deeper insights into an individual's emotional wounds, spiritual growth, and the path towards healing and transformation.

Chiron in astrology is much more than a symbol of wounds, it is the key to unlocking our path to healing and transformation, embracing our vulnerabilities, and achieving spiritual growth and self-acceptance. By exploring Chiron's influence on our emotional wounds, spiritual growth, and the path towards healing and transformation, we can navigate life's challenges, embrace our inner wounds, and achieve healing and transformation.

Chiron in the Houses
Chiron's placement in the houses of the natal chart provides valuable insights into the areas of life where we seek healing, transformation, and self-acceptance. Each house represents a different aspect of our emotional wounds, vulnerabilities, and the path towards healing and transformation. Chiron's position in a specific house influences how we embrace our vulnerabilities, heal our wounds, and integrate our shadow aspects, guiding us towards self-acceptance and wholeness.
Chiron in Houses