
 Monkey Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

Monkey Chinese Zodiac
With the social and serendipitous month of the Snake not ending until Saturday's New Moon, there will be plenty of time to get the most out of these vibrant final days. From your social life and friendships to all aspects of personal and professional networking, community involvement or being a team player, this is a week for remaining plugged in and connected. The closer you get to the weekend and especially once a nostalgic and reflective Goat Moon begins on Friday, this might be starting to wear thin and after a week of places to go and people to see, you might want to just stay in. You will get that chance when on Saturday the month of the Goat begins and with it, the quieter realms of the month long wind down of your current personal 12 month lunar cycle.

Year of the Dragon
Feb 10, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025
For the Monkey, this is the year that you have been waiting for, with life now able to be viewed in technicolour rather than in black and white. For you, the lights will come on the moment the Year of the Dragon begins on 10th February and they will stay on until it ends on 29th January 2025. What makes the Year of the Dragon such a special year for you is not just that this puts the focus on the more adventurous side of life’s fence, where the focus is on adventure, travel, learning and discovery. This is partly because the Dragon gives you the confidence to embrace life, making it hard to watch from the sidelines, but this is also a year for exploring the things that you are passionate about and for experiencing life firsthand.

What also makes this such a good year for you is that the Monkey and Dragon are part of the same triad of affinity, with a similar DNA. As the Monkey and Dragon are the best of friends, life will flow more smoothly, and this will genuinely be a lucky year and especially when you put in the effort instead of waiting for things to happen. This means that the month of the Dragon, which will run from 9th April to 8th May and the month of the Monkey, which this year will run from 4th August to 3rd October will be especially good months. As will be the playful and creative month of the Rat, also part of your triad of affinity, which will run from 1st December to 31st December.

Throughout the Year of the Dragon, its bold and daring influence can be felt, but this will also have an influence on the different lunar months. For example, in months like the competitive and professionally charged month of the Snake, from 8th May to 7th June, you might be more focused on your professional life, but the Dragon’s influence could see you looking further afield or ready to embark on a new professional adventure. In all aspects of your life, this will make it harder to stay in a rut or to get stuck in the weeds, with the Dragon helping you to focus on the big picture and on new and different ways of doing things. Meanwhile, a month like the month of the Goat, from 6th July to 4th August could see the Dragon’s influence call for change in many aspects of your life.

About the Monkey
Fun, confident, energetic and a free-spirit, the Monkey is well-liked by friends and family. Being cunning and quick-witted, they are highly-capable of formulating original thoughts and ideas. They are fast learners and adapt well to various situations.

Monkeys are generally unconventional and often ignore rules. They can be devious and will sometimes bend the truth to get what they want or to help a friend, albeit within reasonable limits. Monkeys are clever and confident tricksters.

Monkeys are very intelligent and find it easy to influence others. Despite this, you will sometimes get confused and discouraged. But, conversely, you will always be enthusiastic and really go for whatever you want to achieve.

A Monkey often finds it difficult to commit to one person for they are popular with everyone. As vivacious as they are, they are challenged when it comes to displaying charm and affection towards their potential partner. However, once the relationship is established, Monkeys make wonderful partners.

Compatible: Rats & Monkeys
Incompatible: Tigers
Strained: Snakes

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